This course is primarily for the student that failed the NCLEX RN Test. The purpose of this course is to improve employability, enhance career skills, and attain personal enrichment through education. The course includes 80 hours of classroom instruction and 96 hours of clinical instruction under the direct supervision of clinical instructors in an acute and/or long-term care settings, primary preventive care, and leadership. This course may use simulation when it’s appropriate.
- Assigned Readings
- Online Lecture
- Clinical Hospital Experience with Preceptor
- Initial NCLEX Diagnostic Test from Nclex.com
- A repeat of Second Diagnostic Test By End of the Program with Nclex.com
- Google Classroom App managed by Evolution Health Academy
- Clinical Forms, Clinical Syllabus Book, Simulation Lab as part of the Clinical Section
- Module Examinations Online
- NCLEX.com Diagnostic Score Should improve
- Clinical Evaluation
The didactic portion of the course will be evaluated on the unit exam which will be administered upon completion of each module. All module exams must be completed within 90 days of the student’s start date which begins when logging in and password is received. The student (s) will be given two attempts to successfully pass each module exam. The student must achieve a passing score on each examination to pass the course. A one-time 30-day extension may be granted (new fee charged) if the student has not completed at the end of their 90 days. If the student does not complete after the 30-day one-time extension, they will be eligible to retake the course (new fee charged) one time only (no further extensions) at the next course offering date. The Clinical part experience is grade on a pass/fail basis. All classroom materials must be completed prior to initiating the clinical rotation. The student must achieve a passing score on each of the unit exams and successfully complete the clinical component. If the student is unsuccessful he/she will not pass the course. The Clinical evaluation forms are completed by the Clinical instructor and the clinical site preceptor.
- Didactic Portion: Candidates are required to pass all the quizzes with 75% (Fundamentals, Women’s Health and Labor & Delivery, Mental Health, Medical-Surgical Nursing and Pediatrics, and Human Growth & Development)
- Clinical Portion: Pass/Fail
An unsatisfactory evaluation or dismissal from the clinical site will result in the student failing the course. There will be no further opportunity to retake this course with Evolution Health Academy.
Upon completion, the student should function as providers of care, coordinators of care, and members within the discipline of nursing as they:
- Integrate the nursing process as a framework for the coordination of care of clients and families.
- The student will be able to monitor the client and family, collect the data, form a nursing diagnosis,
- Participate/contribute to the nursing plan of care with goals and outcome criteria.
- Apply organizational and interpersonal communication strategies in coordinating/managing the care of clients, families, And other health care workers. This includes effectively reporting and recording patient assessment information and plan of care and integrating teaching and learning strategies for client and family education.
- Integrate cultural, spiritual, psychological, and developmental influences when managing client care.
- Integrate the principals of pharmacology safely and competently when providing client care. This includes being knowledgeable of actions, side effects, doses, and precautions of commonly prescribed medications as well as safe administration of oral, parenteral, and intravenous medications.
- Integrate the principles of safety when providing care to clients and families.
- Incorporate the principles of nutrition for maintaining optimal healthcare for clients and families.
- Value legal, ethical, and professional parameters when managing client care.
The student is expected to attend all web sessions and clinical hours. Students are expected to attend all clinical hours once assigned, and attend the first 96 hours their preceptor is scheduled. In case of an emergency, it is the student’s responsibility to call the Program Coordinator. The student will arrange a make-up date with his/her preceptor.
If you have not completed your clinical experience, you will NOT pass the course. There will be no further opportunity to retake this course.
Once you have completed your clinical rotation and we receive your completed paperwork, we will issue your certificate of completion. If you are a remedial student, the Florida State Board of Nursing will be notified that you have completed the course. If you are seeking re-reactivation of your license or seeking endorsement from another state the Board of Nursing will be notified of your course completion.
Additional Information:
Cost: The cost of tuition is $2500.00.
There are additional costs for pre-enrollment requirements.
There is no financial aid for this training because it is a short course.
Length: 176 hours where 80 hours apply to the Lecture or Theory and 96 hours of clinical sessions.
Location: 18350 NW 2ND AVENUE, SUITE 402, MIAMI GARDENS, FL, 33169
Applicants will be required to complete a Level 2 Background Check and Fingerprinting (must use EZ Fingerprinting) at a cost of $80. This service may be available at the information session. Students must also complete a 10-panel drug screening within 30 days of the course start date. RN Remedial students will also be required to show proof of TB testing completed within the past 12 months. Students need to provide CPR cards and vaccination records in order to fully participate in the clinical sessions.
EMAIL: info@eha.education
Phone #: 786-709-5895
- Medical-Surgical Nursing
- Obstetric/Maternal
- Community Health
- Pediatric
- Geriatric
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Pharmacology
- Nursing Procedures
- Nursing Process
Clinical facilities are mandatory for all Remedial students (Acute care facility, Rehab, or Hospital). Clinical time is secured for all students based on their medical and background screening results, and most clinical sites are located in the Miami Dade County area.
This intensive course is developed for RN Remedial Student and consists of 80 classroom hours and 96 clinical hours. You must take the entire course (classroom and clinical) if you:
- Have failed the NCLEX three times
- do not hold an active license, have not practiced in the past five years, and are applying for licensure by endorsement
If you are re-entering the nursing field, this course will allow you to rebuild your knowledge, and gain confidence in your skills.
Course details:
The course is 12 weeks in length. There are 8 weeks of classroom, followed by 4 weeks of Clinical. The classes are always on Tuesday and/or Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. Classrooms hour are held in 18350 NW 2ND AVENUE, SUITE 402, MIAMI GARDENS, FL, 33169. Clinical sites may vary and expect to spend 12 hours/per clinical day.
The cost for the entire course is $2500. If you’re taking the classroom portion only, the cost is $1200. A $100 deposit will reserve your seat in the class, with the balance due the first day of class. Any fee paid, regardless of amount is non-refundable.
These costs do not include books, scrubs, background checks or liability insurance.
A separate fee of $80.00 must be paid for a background check through the clinical site if you are taking the clinical portion.
Requirements (full course):
- If you have not passed the NCLEX 3 times, you need a letter of authorization from the Florida Board of Nursing. Please call the FBON at 850-245-4125 Ext. 3615 to obtain your letter
- EVOLUTION HEALTH ACADEMY “Nursing Remediation/Refresher Enrollment Agreement” filled out in its entirety.
- Copy of your valid driver’s license or other government-issued ID.
- Valid (not expired) BLS for Healthcare Providers and First Aid Cards,
- Print out and read the “Nursing Handbook” (below). Print name, date and sign the last page and turn in the last page with the application packet.
- Proof of professional liability insurance. There are lots of places to obtain this, but the following will work, and it costs $35/year.
- Applicants must meet personal health requirements as stated in the Nursing Handbook, which includes:
- Proof of good mental and physical health as attested by a licensed M.D., D.O. or A.R.N.P. Use our physical form or your doctor’s own form. It cannot be more than 12 months old.
- MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)-(Rubella is required). Must have written verification of immunization after 1968 or a positive titer to show immunity to rubella.
- The PPD-very student will be required to have a 2-step PPD skin test for Tuberculosis. The tests must be completed and read as negative prior to any clinical experience. On admission, PPD results cannot be more than 12 months old. During enrollment as a student, the PPD will need to be repeated annually. If the PPD serum cannot be taken, a copy of a chest x-ray report that is no more than one year old must be added to the physical exam report. The chest x-ray must be repeated annually or a written statement from an M.D., D.O., or A.R.N.P. indicating clear respiratory status.
- Hepatitis B Vaccination-the school highly recommends you be immunized against Hepatitis B. If, upon admission to the program you choose not to be immunized, you must sign a letter of declination. If you have been immunized, please provide written documentation of such for your student file.
You must also either pay for and pass a Level 2 background check or have a Level 2 background check less than 90 days old prior to registration. The fee for the Level 2 background is $80. Instructions for the background check can be found on the Student Resources, Forms page of the website.
Books required:
The RN Re Remedial Course
Prioritization, Delegation, and Management of Care: NCLEX-RN Exam
Ray A Hargrove-HuttelKathryn Cadenhead Colgrove, 2019
Lippincott’s NCLEX-RN Q & A Review
By Diane Billings and Desiree Hensel, 11th Edition, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2019
Financial assistance/Loans:
Arrange for your financial assistance before applying for the program. How you are going to pay for the course will be the first question asked to you when you register.
Evolution Health Academy cannot currently accept federal financial assistance (this would include Pell Grants).
Refund/Reschedule Policy:
The $100 deposit is non-refundable under any circumstances. Once a class has started, none of the fees are refundable.
This course has been approved by the Florida Board of Nursing